You may be wondering a little about how I came to be here with you today.....
Can I ask you a personal question?
Are you anything like me?
When you find a product that you are interested in (ie. like Pruvit) , do you spend hours and hours and hours....... and hours reading reviews and trying to find it for the cheapest price?
OK, good I thought I was the only one..
I get it... Especially with an incredible product like Pruvit the prices can be a major deterrent to acquiring customers...
Personally, I almost never even gave it a chance because of that...
I bought a five day experience on ebay just to try it and I instantly fell in love...
But, then of course, posed a serious question... How do I afford drinking this everyday?
Well, I proud to say, I figured out some seriously awesome hacks!
The reason I built this page, and began selling on eBay, was to find people like you and give you these hacks so they can enjoy this product as much as you want!
P.S. and if you're super ambitious I'll teach you how to leave the 9-5 for it like me!